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Projectwork Submission

This is where the the student (you) reply and describe you answer to the challenge. You can repace the example lines below with your text.

If you read this as a webpage url: "Kavcaschool.github.io/.....", Rigth-Click this link below to open the GitHub repository in a new window and edit your reply!


(Example text. Replace the text below with your text!)

  1. Business Value Proposition answer here:

     *Write your business proposition, it may contain information on:*

     1. *Business Value*
     2. *Business Benefit*
     3. *Business Cost*
     4. *Business Risk*
     5. *Business Opportunity*

      *It may also contain links to files like documents, images, etc. that you have uploaded to the doc folder in this repo*

      Your value proposition:  

  2. UX design

     *Write your UX-design specification, it may contain links to files like documents, images, etc. that you have uploaded to the doc or img folder in this repo:*

      Your UX-design specifiction:
      [Link to spec-file](./doc/design.png)

  3. UI design

      *Write your UI-design specification, it may contain links to files like documents, images, etc.  that you have uploaded to the doc og img folder in this repo:*

      Your UX-design specification:
      [Link to spec-file](./doc/design.png)

  4. The solution

     *Write your Code in the src folder, it may contain links to files like documents, images, etc. that you have uploaded to the doc or img folder in this repo:*

      Your UX-design specifiction:
      [Link to spec-file](./doc/design.png)
  ( in the src directory)

  1. Deployment
  The deployment can be found in :

